Learning in the New Millennium

Phase One: Impact of LiNM on school policy

For Staff


Students remain the responsibility of the teacher when they are sent to use the internet. Rooms with internet access are not always supervised and staff may need to be sensitive about students they send to work independently, and the work they ask them to do.


Staff should only send students to use the internet when they have already received some training or are well versed in its use themselves. Generally speaking supply staff should not be expected to supervise students using the internet unless we are clear that they are well versed in its usage and issues surrounding this. Please make sure the students know how to use the internet if they are sent to work independently, as there will be no one there to teach them.


Students sent to use the internet independently must have a signed note from the teacher giving permission and stating clearly WHAT they are researching. Staff using rooms with internet access are encouraged to help monitor this; to take an interest in students work where possible and to challenge students where necessary. Students without a signed note saying what they are meant to be doing, or clearly not using the facility to good affect should be sent back to class.