Chest Sounds

A Multimedia Presentation
Dr. N. A. Jarad Ph.D., MRCP.
Consultant Physician Bristol Royal Infirmary
Bristol BS8 8HW

To hear the sounds click on the sound buttons. 


Chest auscultation is probably the most frequent part of clinical examination a physician undertakes in day to day work. But many feel that lung sounds are poorly taught and many recognise that there is a considerable inter-examiner disagreement on the timing and nature of lung sounds in one patient [1,2]. Physicians admit there is now a greater reliance on lung imaging than on clinical examination of the chest. But auscultation is cheap and harmless and many patients are relieves to feel the auscultation on the chest wall [3]. With appropriate eduction the recognition of normal and abnormal lung sounds will probably make this simple procedure more informative. This article is designed to explain the mechanism of lung sounds and the diseases in which they could be heard as well as giving an audio visual example of most common sounds.


The science of auscultation started when Laennec describes lung sounds that he heard through a one sided stethoscope, which he invented. he later correlated the sounds with post mortem findings. Laennec quickly realised that lung sounds were easier to recognise than to describe [4]. the invention of binaural stethoscopes provided an additional boost to this science, although initially physicians complained that "they heard too much".


Three major problems with auscultation were recognised over the years:


Terminology (nomenclature): Many physicians use different terms to describe the same sounds. Adjectives such as "wet, dry, coarse and fine" were used to describe crackles for example.

Observer variability on the nature and the site of the sound during the respiratory cycle.

Lack of understanding of the mechanisms behind abnormal lung sounds.


Lung sound recording analysis:

In 1973 microphones attached to the chest wall and linked to a tape recorder and/or an oscilloscope and a screen became available for teaching and for reference use. The initial aim was to determine the presence of lung crackles in asbestos workers. Soon analogue to digital converters were used and the data were processed through computers for analysis.

The machine [Figure 1.] consists of a microphone attached to a filter to remove ambient sounds. Some machines would have a pneumotachograph to register the flow. This helps to identify inspiration and expiration in the respiratory cycle. The sound and the flow signal are converted to digital forms using an analogue to digital converter attached personal computer.

the processed sounds are normally plotted as time-domain. In other words the chart is a plot of time against the amplitude ( or the intensity ) of the sound ( fig 2.) It is possible to expand the time to show details of a period a short as 1 millisecond. This helps showing crackles in a great detail. One advantage of the conversion of the analogue signal into a digital signal is that it is possible to deduce a frequency domain plot in which the frequency is a plotted against the amplitude. This is extracted using a method called fast Forrier analysis.


Figure 1: A cartoon representing a lung sound system. The on-line screen visualises lung sound and flow signals while recording. This helps identifying the area of the chest wall, which is likely to show the abnormal lung sounds. The flow signal and the sound signal are superimposed on each other in the final recording.

Vesicular (normal) lung sounds

Vesicular sounds [figure 2.] is a low pitched sound caused by the friction of the air with the walls of the airways. The sound is then 'modified' through passing numerous air filled alveolar spaces and the chest wall structures.

Normal lung sounds



Figure 2: Vesicular ( normal ) lung sound. A. one respiratory cycle. This is a plot of the sound amplitude against time (time-domain). The recording is divided into segments of 100 milliseconds duration for ease of analysis. The flow is to help identifying inspiration and expiration. B. A 'Zoom on' one segment of A for more detailed analysis. C. the frequency-domain plots using fast Forrier analysis on B. the amplitude of the sound is plotted against frequency. This graph shows that the vesicular sounds are by and large of low frequency ( low pitch ) < 200 Hz.

Abnormal Lung Sounds 

This can be divided into - continuous lung sounds and discontinuous lung sounds.

 Abnormal continuous lung sounds


Wheeze is a continuous musical sound of >400 Hz pitch [5]. Rhonchi on the other hand is a continuous abnormal sound of < 400 Hz. Sounds between 200-400 Hz were not classified, but the author believes that clinicians perceive a sound of this frequency as wheeze. Wheeze and Rhonchi are heard in asthma, chronic bronchitis and hertz failure. Unilateral wheeze can be the result of external compression or a partial obstruction of a large airway. Tumors in adults and foreign bodies in children are the major causes of unilateral wheeze. it has been suggested that the frequency ( the pitch) of the wheeze is inversely correlated with FEV1 [6].




Figure 3: Monophonic wheeze (430 Hz) in a patient with severe asthma.



this is an inspiratory and expiratory sound emanating from the larynx, the trachea or the large airways. Stridor is an alarming sound usually signifying a partial obstruction with tumors, foreign bodies or enlarging retro-sternal thyroid goitre. It is also heard in patients with narrowing trachea after prolonged intubations. Stridor in children is audible in inflammation of the glottis or the trachea.



Bronchial breathing:

This sound is similar to the normal tracheal sounds. It is heard in inspiration and expiration. Bronchial breathing can be heard in thin people in the anterior chest wall just under the clavicle. This represents the sound in the two main bronchi. Pathologically it is heard over a consolidated area particularly in lobar pneumonia. Bronchial breathing is really the sound of relatively large airways transmitted to the chest wall by a non aerated segment (figure 4.). Depending on which stage of the pneumonic illness the auscultation takes place; bronchial breathing can be contaminated with or by pleural rubs, fine or coarse crackles.


Bronchial breathing

Figure 4: production of bronchial breathing. The sound originated from the relatively large airways; represented by the air bronchiogram. Unlike normal vesicular sound, which is transmitted through numerous air-filled spaces, bronchial breathing is transmitted to the microphone through the consolidated area.

Abnormal discontinuous lung sounds

Coarse crackles

these are low pitched explosive sounds resulting from air bubbling through secretions. In bronchiectasis destruction of bronchial walls and cartlidges can account for coarse crackles that do not disappear or change after coughing or after physiotherapy.

coarse crackles can be heard over an area distant from the affected bronchi of the chest wall or by placing the stethoscope on the mouth. Coarse crackles normally disappear or reduce in number after coughing and after deep inspiration and expiration. Nath and Capel found that patients with coarse crackles have an obstructive defect of their lung function tests, which suggests an association with airway narrowing [7].

when recorded by the time expanded wave form analysis (figure 5) crackles have a wide first deflection ( also called initial deflection width) of >1.25 m.s. and two cycle duration of more than 9.32 m.s.[5].

Coarse crackles are heard in chronic bronchitis, asthma, bronchiectasis, pulmonary oedema, and in prolonged bed rest. It is also heard in terminally ill patients.

Coarse crackles


Figure 5: Coarse inspiratory and expiratory crackles in a patient with bronchiectasis. In the extended time-domain graph (12 m.s.. for the crackle on the left and 10 m.s. for the right crackle). the frequency domain graph shows tat the coarse crackles are low pitched [ see the frequency domain for fine crackles for comparison]

Fine Crackles

this is a high pitched discontinuous fine sound. Fine crackles is widely believed to be the result of a sudden opening of partially closed and stiff small airways and alveoli. Coarse crackles are often audible in mid to late inspiration, and they tend to be repetitive in time and place, which strongly suggests that they are due to changes in solid structures [8]. in computerised lung sound analysis crackles are narrow with an initial deflection width of < 0.92 m.s. and of a two cycle duration of, 6.02 m.s. [5].

fine crackles are heard in patients with interstitial lung disease, early stages of heart failure and in early stages of resolution of pneumonia. Nath and Capel showed that fine crackles are associated with a restrictive default of lung function [0]. in interstitial lung fibrosis the number of crackles per respiratory cycle correlates with the severity of the disease [ 10].


Fine crackles


Figure 6: two respiratory cycles showing fine mid-late inspiritory crackles in a patient with asbestosis. A. the crackles are repetitive in time and amplitude. B. the detailed graph shows that the crackles are narrow and of short duration. C. the frequency domain graph shows a large area under the curve compared with the course crackles ( figure 5).

 Pleural rubs

Furgacs postulated that pleural rubs are induced by contact of surfaces of the pleura roughened by fibrin. [11]. the sound is a leathery sound usually audible in mid inspiration and mid expiration. Pleural rubs are audible in pneumonia, connective tissue disease affecting the pleura and pulmonary embolism or pulmonary infarction. Bronchial rubs are often mistaken for wheeze of harsh bt=breath sounds. pleural rubs can be inconsistent and can be associated with bronchial breathing due to the underlying disease. this makes them sometimes difficult to recognise.

Pleural rubs


Figure 7. Pleural rub in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis. A. There are crackle spikes with a more continuous sound in inspiration and expiration. the sound is not consistent, in that it is opt recorded in the second inspiritory cycle. B. This shows that there is a burst of short continuous signal and a peculiar crackle-like deflection with an M shaped large wave. C. Shows that pleural rub is a mixed low frequency and a high frequency sounds.




1. Schilling RSF, Hughes JPW, Dingwall-DeFordyce I. Disagreement between observers in an epidemiological study of respiratory disease. Br J Med 1955:1: 65.

2. Smyllie HC, Blendis LM, Armitage P. Observer disagreement in physical signs of the respiratory system. Lancet 1965;2:412.

3. Rubins EH, Rubin M. Thoracic Diseases. Philadelphia and London. WB Saunders 1961.

4. Laennec RTH. a treatise on the disease of the dnest - translated from the French. New York Publishing c. 1962, p319.

5. American thoracic Society Ad Hoc Committee on pulmonary nomenclature for membership reaction. ATS News Fall 1977; 3:5-6.

6. Braughman RP, Loudon RG. Quantification for wheezing in acute asthma. Chest 1984;86:718

7. Nath AR. Capel LH. Inspiratory crackles and mechanical events of breathing. Thorax 1994;29:695-698.

8. Al Jarad N, Davies SW, Logan Sinclair R, Rudd RM. Lung crackle characteristics in patients with asbestosis, asbestos related pleural disease and left ventricular failure using time expanded waveform analysis - a comparative study. Respiratory medicine 1994; 88:37-46.

9. Nath AR, Capel LH. inspiratory crackles, early and late. Thorax 1974; 29:223.

10. Murphy RLH, Del Bono EA, Davidson F. Validation of an automated crackles (rales) counter. Am Rev Resp Dis 1989; 140:1017-1020.

11. Fourgacs P. Lung Sounds. 1 Ed. London Bailliere Tendall 1978.


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