go to HEPPELL.NET main server

Ooops - slight server wobble as we swap over from http to the more secure https

You've ended up in some strange place (!) - but use the page heading link about to get to the main server front page. Sorry!

Rubble is Stephen's main server - it takes an astounding amount of traffic, poor thing. It went through 25 million unique user visits last year and the "stickiness" data suggests they spend a good while exploring the contents (or were lost!). If you've arrived here you've come in the back door, so to speak.

Welcome anyway, the main index is over here and even that is a bit chaotic, but kind folk (thank you) suggest it is worth the browsing around - there certainly is a lot of stuff... and helpfully a "search the server" box.

..Stephen is trying to assemble a universal index of (almost) everything on Rubble - it is not machine generated and there are short descriptive annotations - vaguely alphabetical order when he remembers... watch this space for completion - he needs to get on with it.

learning • ingenuity • research • policy • design • technology • delight • (+ sailing!)

pages last updated: Friday, June 26, 2020 7:40 AM