This 1200-pupil 11-16 secondary school is very full, so from September 2002 the school day will be extended (8.15 to 5.30) to make more effective use of available accommodation, and leaving and arrival times will be staggered. KS3 will arrive first, and finish just after 1pm, when they can either go home or stay for extra-curricular activities. The teaching organisation at KS4 will be flexible, like at a college. Pupils will arrive at 8.30 and stay until 5.30pm, during that time they will have some timetabled time and some supervised private study. KS4 pupils doing GNVQs (longer sessions) can make use of the longer day by taking other options after 4 pm. The school hopes to give pupils the option to work at home by providing them with laptops by 2005.