professor stephen heppell

current phd students

all my recent phd students have been based at CEMP - the centre for excellence in media practice at bournemouth university - where I hold the chair on new media environments - they are fab, and I am very lucky to have had them - I enjoy chatting with them all so much...

phd gown

dr andy tedd: : completed and passed
determining best practice in using social software to support creativity and innovation in the UK media industry.

dr ashley woodfall: : completed and passed
exploring children's needs within cross-platform environments.

dr tamsyn dent : completed and passed
researching gender and the media - starting from SkillSet's data that suggested a substantial loss of womenmt from the creative industries - but it isn't that simple, of course.

dr pete fraser : completed and passed
looking at the impact of emerging technologies like social networking on Media Education...

tom stacey - transferred to another uni nearer home
looking at our little IoT device, the learnometer and its very big data

simon easton
looking at our (slowly evolving - HE isn't fast is it!) continuous masters level community with its gym membershio model and badged mutual accreditation on-line - see

dr mark readman: completed and passed
What's in a word? The discursive construction of 'creativity'

dr neelam parmer: completed and passed
exploring literacy development in pre school children with new devices