NIGHTINGALE NURSERY, Hackney, London; The colourful butterfly image on these double doors is both welcoming and stimulating for the children.

GAINSBOROUGH ADVENTURE PLAYGROUND, Lincolnshire; Colour and texture can create an attractive area.
Case Study: Haute Vallee School, Jersey

• Colour, texture and scent can help to create a stimulating environment.
• Good quality finishes and fixtures may cost more initially but will give better long term value for money.

Schools must be designed to be welcoming, stimulating places. It may be necessary to move away from the traditional institutional aesthetic, but this will benefit all users, including staff and pupils. Artists are sometimes included in a building project's design team, contributing in various ways, including artworks, colour schemes and landscaping design.

The following ideas are worth considering when designing a school for the future:

• Variation in surface texture can help to minimise the sense of a large institution;
• Colour can be used to create an attractive and exciting place;
• Colour and surface finishes (internally and externally) can aid the visually impaired and elderly to orientate themselves (see Building Bulletin 94);
• Clear signing and 'indicators' should be included for the visually impaired;
• Interior planting can create a positive visual image and improve the air quality;