This technology college accommodates 1300 11 to 16 year olds and shares its site with a training center for local businesses. Technology is a prominent part of the curriculum and in 1999 pupils took part in a project to build this hovercraft which actually 'flies'. The school has also set up an on-line learning system.
The school curriculum is becoming broader and more flexible. While the National Curriculum remains as a framework, schools are being encouraged to offer a diverse range of provision to suit local circumstances, often in partnership with the local community, including business. Schools are being encouraged to develop more flexible curriculum pathways, particularly from the age of 14, to provide an education that matches the talents and aspirations of individuals.
There are already specialist secondary schools which have developed center's of excellence in particular areas of the curriculum such as music and the arts, sports, modern languages and science. Schools with specialist facilities are

and to develop links with business. From September 2002, vocational GCSEs will be introduced, encouraging more pupils to combine vocational and general study.
Modern apprenticeships in skilled occupations will become increasingly commonplace. Qualifications that count towards apprenticeships could be gained while pupils are still at school. Work experience may be arranged with local businesses which also offer apprenticeship places. There will be scope for increasing the time available for vocational study within the statutory framework of the National Curriculum, in particular work-based study for craft and vocational learning, progressing to an apprenticeship option.

'Building the curriculum - particularly beyond the age of 14, when the talents of pupils diversify - around the needs of each individual, with far better opportunities for vocational and academic study.'
Schools - Achieving Success (DfES White Paper), 2001
  often regional center's whose specialist facilities are available to other schools and the community as a whole. Electronic access to skilled teachers can enable the study of minority subjects such as Latin or Japanese.
There are also increased possibilities for vocational options. 14-18 year old pupils are being encouraged to undertake independent research and study, taking part in a range of work-related activities, such as work experience and enterprise initiatives,

There are increased possibilities for vocational options.