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Making Learning Better is complex - we learn from sport (and Stephen has also been working with elite coaches in some Olympic teams) that it is the details, the aggregation of marginal gains, that add up to real progress. This page links to some of those many details to make learning better in schools, universities, companies, apprenticeships, sports, families and more. Lots of research, lots of learning, lots of things to try:

enviromental factors - learnometer project

BYOP - bring your own plant (cutting CO2)

light levels fit for learning

write-on surfaces

all-through schools


better toilets

paint - huge improvements in a weekend!

shoeless learning

no teacher desks


managing sound

learner led improvements


phones: how young?

tiered seating

little details

flat screens

rule of 3

school improvement summary


as with all these pages on the heppell.net website, it is very much work in progress; we will add to, or refine, as time goes by.
This page authored, and last updated, by Prof Stephen Heppell - latest changes made on Friday, April 26, 2019 5:37 AM