golden generation certificate maker
making learning better
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My indexing is pretty poor, but you can search our full site, or the world, via Google, below - use your own search string - "learning" is an example.
• breathing & learning: a short primer
• optimising home working spaces (+ Spanish)
• outdoor learning
• going back CoVID considerations
• online learning - 30 year insights (+ Spanish)
• our Learnometers & CoVID help
• class microphone for Zoom
Thank you for being one of the very many folk, with an interest perhaps in learning, or technology, or both.
Our server enjoys a remarkable number of visitors (25 million plus unique visitors and counting!) and many have reflected that it has been useful in their journeys, whatever projects and dreams those might encompass.
Although it is all grounded practical stuff that works remarkably well, there is a lot of research here, much emerging certainty, and a few hunches as well.
Hopefully, it is helpful for you too.
Feedback is always welcome - broken links too.
this page authored, and last updated, by Prof Stephen Heppell - latest changes made on Wednesday, March 06, 2024 22:33