heppell.net index of everything |
our heppell.net server hosts a vast number of visits and visitors (thank you, one and all). Many thousands of you each day with an average visit time of over 20 minutes, and many, many downloads. So much of the content is now linked or indexed from elsewhere - including textbooks - that the root structure needs to stay static, with new information added as and when. But, however accesible the front end is, it will remain useful to add and maintain an overall index, and that is where you are now.
Folk have reported a serendipity in exploring the files they were not searching for (!) - others have reported a general amazement that we have retained all this material. Any which way, we hope this is a useful index of everyuthing; welcome.
So, in no order at all - and very much a work in progress for now - there is a long way to go to completion (!):
contacting heppell.net: how to get in touch with us
heppell.tv: a one-stop-shop for videos of stephen's interviews and keynotes - it gets updated sporadically but goes back a long way
short txt summary of all our projects: not very up to date, sorry
there was a time - ahead of social media, when stephen's life and reflections were posted here with images from his iPhone: the phoneBlog
stephen's writing: the retroBlog - when Stephen remembers, he posts chapters and articles and other wrings here
be very afraid: this was a wonderful run of annual ICT learning events at BAFTA, and then elsewhere too
horizon scanning: horizonTAL - the Blair government in the UK asked Stephen to highlight future policy issues - the first few scared them witless, so they didn't ask any more, but history shows they really should have listened! Some wonderful folk involved in these colloquiums too.
learning spaces and places: 21st century learning
edu-tail: making learning spaces from retail places
mumology: a new route for parenting
new media: 21st century media
learnometer projects: doctoral professions and more
digital history: my 20th century evolving archives
happy christmas - our annual festive penguins
family: our growing generations
this page last edited Thursday, October 19, 2017 7:17 PM - by Prof Stephen Heppell