The Ultraversity Degree
Creating a new online degree for people already occupied full time... who want to stay that way, but want to study too.HOME
This page is for the cohort of learners registering from within the NHS with the encouragement and support of the NHSU. Welcome!
Ultraversity project
Radical new approach to undergraduate degrees for NHS staffFrom the outset the team developing this new way of studying for a degree, whilst remaining in full employment, have been in dialogue with the emerging new team at the NHSU which we support and endorse absolutely. Indeed this quote by the Minister (at the time the NHSU was announced) is exactly congruent with our philosophy too:
"For far too long education and training in the NHS has been a privilege for a few - the NHSU will make it a right for everyone.
Everyone should have access to a professional qualification."Rt Hon. Alan Milburn MPHurrah for that - exactly right in our view and our new degree is designed to help make that happen, so...
We have agreed with the NHSU to welcome a group of NHS learners onto this degree.If you are such a learner, then the key details are:
that the project has the support of colleagues at the NHSU and limited funding is available.- that tuition fees are £600 per year and the degree can be completed in three years
that this will particularly relevant to you if you are in any way involved in making, or helping learning happen within the NHS, in any form.all you need to do from here is register your interest and remember to mention NHSU on the online form.
If you have a specific question regarding funding please email Felicity Astwood of NHSU at the following address: or phone her on 020 8528 1660