of Facilities and Services
at Brightlingsea Harbour have steadily been
upgraded over the past few years. The following
services are provided either by Brightlingsea
Harbour or by other local businesses.
A •
B • Banks,
Brightlingsea Sailing Club, Buses
C • Cash
Machines, Car Hire, Car Parking, Churches, Colne
Yacht Club
F • Ferry,
Fresh Water
L • Laying
on Hard, Launching
M • Maps,
Marina, Museum
P • Public Houses
S • Scrubbing
Posts, Sewage Pump Out System, Showers, Supermarkets/Food
T • Tides,
Tourist Information, Town Centre, Town Hard, Trains
U • Useful
Phone Numbers
W • Water
Taxi, Weather

B |
There are branches of Lloyds TSB, Natwest,
Barclays and Nationwide in Brightlingsea
Town Centre.
Sailing Club
Brightlingsea Sailing Club is a dinghy
sailing club which has an active racing
fleet and hosts open events.
There is a regular bus service between
Brightlingsea and Colchester via Wivenhoe
every day. It is also possible to catch
a bus to Clacton on Sea (change at Thorrington
Cross). Local bus timetables can be obtained
from the Harbour Office.
C |
• Cash
There are several ATM machines located
in the Town Centre in Brightlingsea.
ATM’s are located at all banks
and also at Tesco Extra in the Town Centre
and Fiveways Supermarket.
• Car
Car hire is available from Trace Auto Services
in Brightlingsea. Cars can be booked from
half a day, vans per day. Tel: 01206 302525
• Car
There are several pay & display car
parks near to the water. The closest is
located directly behind the Harbour Office
at the bottom of Tower Street. Further
parking can be found adjacent to Brightlingsea
Sailing Club and also near to Bateman’s
Tower (see map). There are also two car
parks in the Town Centre at Victoria Place
and the YMCA.
• Churches
All Saints C of E 01206 302407
St James C of E 01206 302407
St Sabina RC 01206 302485
New Church 01206 306729
Brightlingsea Baptist 01206 302086
Brightlingsea Methodist 01206 302170
Brightlingsea Spiritualist 01206 307780
Salvation Army 01206 302847
• Colne
Yacht Club
The Colne Yacht Club welcomes boat visitors
and it situated within the Harbour area.
Tel: 01206 302954. www.colneyachtclub.org.uk
F |
• Ferry
A Foot/Cycle Ferry runs from Easter to
the end of October between Brightlingsea,
Point Clear and East Mersea. During quiet
periods Harbour Trips may also be available.
Please see the Ferry page for more timetable
and prices.
• Fresh
Fresh Water is available to visiting boats
from the end of the Colne Yacht Club Jetty.
There is also a tap at the top of the Town
L |
• Launching
Boats may launch over the Town Hard on
payment of a fee. Launching fees may
be paid daily or annually, with a special
rate available for residents of Brightlingsea.
Fees should be paid to the Hard Master
or other Harbour Staff if the Hard Hut
is unattended. Launching fees relate
to boat length and engine power and a
table of fees can be accessed here.
• Laying
on Hard
Vessels may also lie on the Hard by arrangement
with the Harbour Office. Fees for vessels
up to 16’ 6” are £5 per
day or part thereof. For vessels over 16’ 6” the
fee is £7 per day or part thereof.
M |
• Maps
Brightlingsea Town Centre maps are available
both here and from the Harbour Office.
those of you wishing to explore the area
on foot, Ordnance Survey maps of the
local area are available at the Harbour
Office in return for a £10.00 refundable
deposit. This is particularly useful for
those wishing to use the Ferry to explore
Point Clear or East Mersea.
• Marina
Both resident and visitor berths are available
at Waterside Marina, which is managed
by Brightlingsea Harbour Commissioners.
For prices and further information please
visit the Marina page.
• Museum
Brightlingsea Museum is located in Duke
Street in the Town Centre. For further
information, including opening times
please call 01206 303286.
S |
• Scrubbing
The scrubbing posts located on the Town
Hard are available for use by both visitors
and residents by prior arrangement with
the Harbour Office. Bookings are taken
on a first come first served basis at
the Harbour Office and are charged at £12.00
per day or part thereof for all craft.
• Sewage
Pump Out System
Brightlingsea Harbour has a sewage holding
tank pump out system available for boat
users. It is a pontoon mounted system and
can be used by arrangement with the Harbour
staff. Please speak to a member of Harbour
staff or contact the Harbour Office for
more details.
• Showers
Showers are available for visitor use at
the Colne Yacht Club. A key to the facilities
can be obtained from the Harbour Office
when the club is closed.
• Supermarkets/Food
There are several supermarket and convenience
stores in the town including Tesco Extra,
Co-op and Spar. Slightly further out of
the town centre is another supermarket,
Fiveways, adjacent to a petrol filling
station. There are also butchers, bakers,
fishmongers, a chemist and newsagents.
Usual opening times in the town are 9am – 5.30pm
with some shops closing at 1pm on Thursday
T |
For tide times please check the Tide Tables
for Brightlingsea available here.
The Harbour Office accommodates a small
Tourist Information service and can provide
information on a wide range of topics,
including local transport, accommodation,
local facilities and much more. Literature
is also available on tourist attractions
both locally and further afield for those
looking for something to do during their
Brightlingsea has a small Town Centre with
a variety of independent shops within walking
distance of the Harbour. The Town Guide,
containing a map of Brightlingsea showing
the main shopping area is available from
the Harbour Office.
• Town
The Town Hard, whilst owned by Brightlingsea
Town Council, is managed by Brightlingsea
Harbour Commissioners. Boats may lay on
the Hard for a small fee. The schedule
of fees for laying on the Hard can be accessed
• Trains
The nearest station to Brightlingsea is
at Alresford, although a more regular service
is available from Wivenhoe. Trains from
here travel to London Liverpool Street
via Colchester and Chelmsford. Trains also
run from here to Clacton on Sea.
U |
• Useful
Phone Numbers
Brightlingsea Museum 01206 303286
Brightlingsea Sports Centre 01206 304946
Brightlingsea Swimming Pool 01206 303067
Brightlingsea Town Council 01206 303535
Colchester Hospital 01206 747474
Colne Yacht Club 01206 302954
Dentist 01206 305080
Doctors surgery 01206 302522
Ferry Mobile 07981 450169
Harbour Office 01206 302200
Harbour Mobile 07952 734814
Library 01206 302399
Local Police 01255 221312
Optician 01206 302249
Post Office 01206 302600
Rail Enquiries 08457 484950
Tendring District Council 01255 686868
Boots Pharmacy 01206 302039
W |
• Water
As there is no direct access from the moorings
to the land, Harbour users may choose
either to use their own dinghy/tender
or to use the Water Taxi service.
The Water Taxi service is provided by Ray
Eggleton from the beginning of April until
the end of October at weekends and on a
daily basis during school holidays. The
timetable shows the hours it runs. Ray
can be contacted on VHF channel 37/M1 or
on mobile 07986 122672.
When the Water Taxi is not running, Harbour
staff provide a service during working
hours and can be contacted on VHF channel
68 or via the Harbour Office on 01206 302200.
Out of hours access to the shore from the
pontoons is by private tender only.
• Weather
A daily weather forecast, recorded each
morning is provided by Brightlingsea Harbour
Commissioners on 0844 499 2681. This gives
the current weather, 24 hour forecast,
visibility, wind speed and direction. It
also gives any weather warnings and tide
times for the day. The weather forecast
for the current day, including tide times,
is also displayed on a board on the front
wall of the Harbour Office.
There is also a weather station located
within the Harbour which sends current
data to this website and can be accessed
from the Home page
Channel 68

Brightlingsea Harbour Office, 4 Copperas Road
Brightlingsea, Colchester, Essex, CO7 0AP