The site should be in the heart of the community, minimising
transport costs.
Take advantage, and consider the effect of buildings on the
natural environment.
location of the school is an important consideration from
the point of view of both attracting customers and sustainability.
The site should be in the heart of the community so minimising
transport use, and allowing safe routes to school and access
to public or school transport.
School security is also important. For example, a school in
a remote area is more vulnerable because it is not overlooked
by neighbours. The presence or absence of utilities should be
noted as well as the environmental cost of new provision.
One of the first issues to be discussed, once the site is chosen,
is site access. Ease of access for a wider range of users will
have to be balanced with the need for security. Will there be
a secure boundary around the site with one controlled entry
point or will there be public routes across the site, encouraging
access and possibly helping supervision? |