Brightlingsea Harbour
Harbour was formerly established by Act of Parliament
in 1927 as a Trust Port. It is a non-profit making statutory
body with a board of 8 Trustees known as commissioners.
The Chief Executive and the Harbour Master are commissioners.
The Chairman and the other five non-executive commissioners
are appointed every four years by a selection panel after
the positions are publicly advertised. The commissioners
are all volunteers and their appointment is based on
the skills and knowledge they bring to the organisation.
Statutory Harbour includes all the waters in Brightlingsea
Creek to the east of a line drawn between the Martello
Tower at Point Clear and Bateman’s Tower in Brightlingsea.
The regulation of these waters is governed by the Harbour
Byelaws enshrined in the Act of Parliament.
the defined harbour limits the Commissioners have been
created by Statute to serve the public interest. The
public interest is wider than that of harbour users and
includes the local community and natural environment.
There is a public right to use the Harbour for the shipping
and unshipping of goods and passengers, and there is
also a public right of navigation.
Harbour Commissioners have a general obligation to keep
under formal and active consideration the overall safety
of the Harbour and to apply all available statutory powers
as appropriate to secure the safe use of the Harbour
by all craft. This includes the maintenance of navigation
marks and the use of byelaws and directions with regard
to the use of the Harbour.
2001 Colchester Harbour closed and Brightlingsea Harbour
Commissioners became responsible for the safety of navigation
and Pilotage on the River Colne from the Inner Bench
Head buoy to the entrance to Roman River between Wivenhoe
and Rowhedge.
Harbour Commissioners is publicly accountable for the
execution of its duties and has the power to raise Dues
for the discharge of its statutory obligations. These
Dues are payable by all users of the Harbour.