It's certainly true that you can move around these Simulations in any way that you choose. At the same time we have given each of them a "structure" that you might find useful, at least at first. Each part of each Simulation is divided up into sections as follows:
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Using these Simulations

Examine: Here we offer you a choice of videos so you can see something about the subject "in action". And it's a chance for you to "explore" in a bit more detail because the movies are interactive. You can stop and start them whenever you want using the Play/Pause button (graphic here). You can "step" though the main segments using the (step icon here) icon. You can call up a commentary track by click on the T icon just under the movie (graphic here). You can call up a further text explanation by clicking on the T icon lower down (graphic here). And the LabRat is always willing to give you his view - just click on him at any time.

Explore: This is the real heart of the simulation. It's an interactive "experimental area" if you like. You can try out different things in different ways - and see the results and diagrams, graphs, tables and so on. There's no limit - just do whatever you want. There are no right or wrong "answers". We hope that as you try things out you will begin to see the "patterns" the ways that various actions and reactions are connected. Make sense of those patterns and you will really understand the topic.

Clues: We do know that it's not always easy to sort things out for yourself. Right at the very beginning you might need some help. We are not going to tell you the answers. But in the Clues section you will find some comments from students who tried out these Simulations for us when we were first designing them. These comments should help- if you need any help!

Explain: Are you feeling brave? If you think you have understood what's going on then why not go to the Explain section - select and watch one of the movies - then try out your understanding by explaining what you think is happening. We suggest that you then talk to other students or your teacher and compare your understanding.